Thursday was a busy day for us.... in the morning daddy & I went to LCM for our 20 week ultrasound for baby. The baby was moving like crazy, we saw an ear, the mouth moving, hands, arms, legs, feet, where the cord was attached, the heart & then with color she showed us the blood flowing, the baby did a complete flip so we pretty much saw all the body parts - except the area that everyone wanted us to see :) less than 20 weeks....
She said the baby weighs 12 ounces right now & the heartbeat was 150. She figured our due date at March 16
th, give or take 5 days. The
dr said March 18
th, so we are right on schedule!
In the afternoon we headed to see Dr. Benson for
Macie's 1 year appointment & shots :(
He said she was doing great - off the bottle & off the pacifier & eating table food - ya
Her height was 31" (96%) weight was 23.6# (86%) & head was 18 3/4" (99%)
Baby Evans face 3D

Baby Evans profile

Baby Evans arm