Sunday, April 25, 2010

Still doing good

I am so sorry for the lack of updates (I know I said that last post too)! With two little ones one of them is always needing us. Brayden is still doing well... we have been battling constapation, but hopefully can get that figured out soon. He is still up about every 3 hours at night to feed, hopefully that changes soon.... even 4 hours would be great! He is going to daycare 1/2 days this week & then will start full time next week. Mommy needs to go back to work - they are so busy (which is a good problem). Macie is doing great - loves spring! If she had her way she would be outside all day long! She is learing more & more all the time & always seems to amaze her dad & I! Dad & I are both doing well.... I did the city wide garage sale this weekend (I have an AWESOME turnout)...otherwise we are just enjoying the kids!

Our precious babies
Macie thinks she needs to still use the swing/bounce chair :)

Braydon & daddy resting :)

Miss Macie & her painted toes & fingernails
I love her shirt from my girlfriend Shauna - "BIG SISTERS ROCK"

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family update

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update.... with 2 little ones time really gets away from you...

I can't believe he is 1 month old today! I feel like he has been a part of our family forever! He is doing good - sleeping/eating like 3 hours. Holds his head up pretty good & is starting to fill out. Almost outgrowing newborn clothes, but not yet (Macie never wore them).

Is actually in bed as I write this & has been for about a 1/2 hr & it's only 6:15! She had a great, but busy weekend.... yesterday we went to the parks in St. Peter & played for hours with her cousins; Kalley, Colton, Trayton & Taylor & had so much fun. Today her other cousin came over; Samantha, Tyler & Brielle & they played & played & played... so two awesome days with her cousin, lots of fresh air & little or no nap = 1 VERY tired little girl!

I have actually went back to work part time :( but Brayden has been coming with me. I have been working 1-2 days a week, just because we are so busy this time of year & I will go back full time in May.

Working.... Working....As I said work is busy this time of year & with the "Pontoon Legs" being new to our product line, dad has been very busy, but enjoys it. When he's not at work he has lots of "projects" to do here at home. Today him & grandpa Kurt went to Mankato & bought the landscaping block so we can put a sandbox in around the swingset for the kids.

I think that pretty much sums up what has been going on here! Just enjoying the weather & staying VERY busy now with two little ones. Hope everyone was able to get out & enjoy this wonderful weekend!!!