Thursday, March 5, 2009


Sorry I have not updated for a little while... daddy & I just got back from Las Vegas! We went out there with my brother Troy & my sister-in-law Cindy for the Nascar race - It was a blast!!! We left Friday morning & got back yesterday. Both grandparents took her while we were gone & it went really well... after she gave grandma Linda a run for her money :)
As we were getting up Friday morning @ 3:30 I got a text from my mom - she had a 102 temp & was not herself. My mom ended up bringing her in...and she had a ROUGH doctors appt. They couldn't figure out what was wrong so they wanted to do some blood work. They had a very hard time getting blood from her - mom said they poked around on one said (she was screaming of course), then they went to the other side... still screaming...still no luck... and Grandma Linda almost passed out on the floor they sent her over to the main clinic... still no luck - in the end they had to take it out of her finger (poor girl)! They did find through the blood work that she had some sort of infection & they put her on some meds. We had a really good trip - went to the race of course, saw a couple shows, walked a lot & just enjoyed some mommy & daddy time. The race was really good except Jr didn't win (it's all Gordan's fault)! It was so good to get back to Macie, we missed her SO MUCH! But it was back to reality today.... we are home because Macie has the flu! That's ok though, I don't mind having snuggle time. Take care & I will post pictures soon!

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