Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hanging out

Macie & I are spending the day together.... starting the morning out at a rib fundraiser for some of Becky's 3 day team members (the food was great). Then mom ran to Cub Foods, while grandma Linda stayed home so Macie could take a nap. After the nap we headed into the pool in Nicollet to swim with cousin's Colton & Trayton & auntie Cindy too. She's taking another quick snooze... swimming's a lot of work - but she LOVES being in the water!

Last night we have a girls night with grandma - we went to a fashion show for my cousin Tricia & saw some amazing clothes, supper & then church. It was our pastor Steve's last service for FIVE years (Macie will be in Kindergarten when he comes back). He took a call to South Korea for 5 years. We were very sad to see him go - he married both of my brothers & have baptised all of the kids; Kalley, Colton, Trayton, Talor & Ms. Macie! A lot of tears....

If your wondering where daddy is in all this... he's in Canada! He went on a fly in fishing trip with his friend Justin, uncle Troy & 5 others. He was so excited to go! They left Nicollet yesterday morning @ 4:00 am... drove to Canada & they were suppose to fly to their resort @ 8:00 this morning. They are there until Friday with no contact with anyone until they fly back in to pick them up on Friday! We were sad to see daddy leave, but we know he is going to have so much fun!

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