Monday, September 12, 2011

Brayden 18 Months

Wow I can not believe our baby boy is 18 months! He is still not saying a whole lot; mom, dada, ya & ut-o. Dr. Benson is going to call the school district & suggest he start speech therapy. Of course dad & I are game for anything we can do to help him out. So at this point, we are just waiting for a call for the next step. Otherwise he is a very happy little boy. He LOVES to be outside! He LOVES to be where ever his dad is! He is all boy..... getting dirty, trying to take things apart, trying to fix things, playing trucks, riding the 4-wheeler, everything. He has been in the toddler room at daycare since June & will stay there till he's almost 3. It was a nice transition because he was able to be with Macie all summer long, so it went really smooth. And he ws able to do a lot more activites being in the toddler room vs te infant room. Macie has just moved into the preschool room this week! My babies are growing up. Here are Brayden's 18 month stats:
Height; 32-1/4 (50%)
Weight; 26.2 (55%)
Head; 18.5" (80%)

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