Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Baby Evans ready to come......

Well I went for my dr. appt. yesterday. The dr. took my measurments and checked the heartbeat (150). I thought I might have a bladder infection? I had been in some pain over the weekend, so he sent me down to lab. In the waiting room I started to feel like I was going to pass out, so they had me lay down for a bit. Dr. Gildner decided he didn't really want me to go home and instead sent me over to ISJ to have them watch me for a little bit. I though "oh a half hour and I should be on my way home". Little did I know!!! They hooked me up to watch the baby's heartbeat & see if I was having contractions & sure enough.... I was having contractions! I stayed the night last night (daddy spent the night on a really comfy chair-ha ha). They ran 5 bags of fluids and 2 bags of antibiotics through me. After 6 prikes to try & get the IV in me and if you know me I DO NOT do well with needles or pain. They did an ultrasound yesterday and again today to make sure nothing had changed. Long story short they don't know why I am having contractions? They sent me home today on strick bedrest - to the bathroom, one shower & 15 minutes for meals. Otherwise I am to lay on the right side or left and lay down all day long. I have bedrest until my next dr, appt. on the 16th - my poor husband :(
We are just going to hope that little Evans stays in as long as possible. He/she only weighs 5 pounds right now. Thanks to grandma Linda for driving me to the dr. and hanging out with me till daddy could get there and thanks Katie for coming to visit! Love from the Evans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi honey..just checking on you today. I hope you were able to get some much needed sleep.
