Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still nothing

Just an update... the "stretching" did nothing. I NEVER thought I would be sad not to be in pain?! We went on a family walk (Kent, Maggie and I) up the Judson hill Tuesday night and last night grandma Linda and I walked on the walking track out at our school for about 45 minutes. If you know me at all, I am NOT good at being patient! I said to Kent last night, I have waited 270 days, isn't that long enough? I think I would be a little better at letting nature take it's course if I knew I would not go next weekend, even if it ment going over. Kent is a groomsmen is our friends (Kyle & Mandy's) wedding, and I just fear that I will go Friday night or Saturday sometime. So if you have any good tips for me drop them my way - ask my husband, I am trying several different things; walking, sitting on the exercise ball, walking up & down the steps, eating pineapple - and my husband just sits in the recliner and laughs at me :)

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