Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Still here

We're still here! She started to feel the contractions not long after the pitocin was going and they had broke her water. They weren't painful until about 1 p.m. and then she started to feel some pain. At that time decided it was time for nubain. The nubain basically kicked in just in time that she didn't feel the needle go in her back for the epidural! And all is good now! At the time of the epidural she was at an almost 4 and more than 90% effaced. So we just hang out and wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all is going well Sara (and Kent). I remember what a long day it was for me being in labor 18 hours and just laying there waiting. Hang in there, or maybe by now the baby is even here. We will have to get our little ones together sometime. Just wanted to stop by and say best wishes to a happy healthy delivery and baby!
Krista Kettner