Monday, August 31, 2009


Well we made it through the weekend :). My "little" cousin (I say that because that is what he has always been to me, but by all means he does not look like my little cousin) got married Saturday! They had a perfect day, it was a beautiful wedding! They got married in Mapleton & their reception was at the Best Western. It was a very fun day, but makes you so tired after :) Grandma & Grandpa Evans were kind of enough to take Macie for the day and keep her overnight. I was personal attendant, so I would be busy, plus she would want to get down and run. So we just decided she would have more fun playing with G&G. Daddy did go and get her for a little bit after the wedding, before the dinner so everyone was able to see her. I will post pictures soon, it was very pretty. Mommy slept in until 10:00 yesterday :)

On a not as happy note, we want to ask everyone to say an extra prayer for a little boy named Konner. I work with Konner's dad Kris and Konner is only two months older than Macie. Konner was diagnosed with Epilepsy in April and this past week it took a turn for the worse. He had a 3 hour seizure.. they ended up putting him in a drug induced coma and he is now in the ICU at Children's. He suffered too long of a seizure and is going to suffer brain damage. Worse case his brain continues to swell and he dies or it stops swelling but he goes into a vegetated state. They took him off his drugs keeping him in his coma at 5:00 Saturday night, but as of 9:00 last night, he had not come too yet. They will not know how bad things are until he comes too. Please keep Konner & his family in your prayers!

Here is his caring bridge site:

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